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Our Story 

Alexia T-Lex

Alexia's Angels was founded out of love and grief. Alexia was killed on her 26th birthday in April of 2023 in a motorcycle accident. I did not know how to keep moving in a world where my little sister wasn't here anymore. My mother and I bought a crystal urn that was handmade from the UK to put Lex's remains in but because it was handmade, it would take weeks to get to us. Upon receiving her ashes we wondered what to do with her in the meantime. Knowing that Lex had the best sense of humor, my mom asked me, "What do you have that Lex would think is funny?". Suddenly, the little green T-rex "stash jar" that Lex and I had made a few years before (after she saw it on Pinterest, of course) popped into my head. It had been sitting on a shelf in my craft room for years with no purpose, until now. When I came upstairs with it, my mom and I laughed for the first time in what felt like years. We knew that it was perfect for Lex, and a bonus that we could hug her and carry her around with us. I posted a tiktok with how she ended up there, and to my suprise, it went viral. I had thousands of people reaching out and telling me that I should make these and patent the idea. They found it as comforting as we did. So here I am, trying to bring a little bit of comfort to the grieving and healing a little bit of my heart along the way.  Plus, I get  to keep Lex's memory alive and build a legacy for her. 

Nikki Ayers, Nicole Ayers, Alexia Getz, T-Lex
Jurassic Park, Dinosaur, Funny

Alexia's favorite meme, she'd often just randomly add "GOddamit phil, you had one job!" into conversations.  

"raptors in the kitchen, phil!"

Nikki Ayers, founder of Alexia's Angels & her sister Alexia, our inspiration.

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